This whip was purchased Saturday from Dave Kreutz. It is a rarer variety called Otakumi. It was slip-potted yesterday and will be left to grow for 1 or 2 years.
Hello, lovely images! I read your query on Walter Pall's blog re: attempting a lilac bonsai. Did you ever do that? I'd be interested in knowing how you began, and what resulted. Thanks! Lizz
Welcome to Shimsuki Bonsai. This site is not only to share bonsai with others, but it acts as my bonsai journal, so I can keep track of when work has been done to certain trees. I mainly grow and work with Satsuki Azaleas, I have a few shimpaku junipers too. Everything I grow is a work in progress.
Hello, lovely images! I read your query on Walter Pall's blog re: attempting a lilac bonsai. Did you ever do that? I'd be interested in knowing how you began, and what resulted. Thanks! Lizz